Monday, January 22, 2007

quick blog today

Good Morning!

Just a quick note (my times on my blog are always incorrect, are yours?)

Thanks Billy and Lisa for sharing your dental stories. What a ripoff. Anyway, I have begun the root canal (thursday am); felt better yesterday and started tearing the apt apart, reorganizing, so that's a good sign. Also had to go into work yesterday, about 6.5 hours. But, I got a lot done, so that's good too.

I am up since 4am so will be very tired tonight.

Love you all and will actually try to begin to be a bit more of a blogger soon.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Finally writing. Feeling pretty good but had a rough week. The tooth that has been giving me trouble since the temporary crown was put on has not stopped being a problem. Looking back, the signs were there that a problem was brewing. I had pain with the temporary, a lot of pain when he put on the actual crown--and after a couple of days, the pain kept growing.

Anyway, looks like I need a root canal in that tooth (yes, the one with the new crown that I paid out-of-pocket $900) or the tooth might even need to be pulled. Yes. Plus, that tooth was to hold up a partial (that was to be submitted in Jan 2007 but oh my, they did charge it on Dec. 28 also, so that would be out-of-pocket--instead of paid for by my insurance, that's why I was waiting till 2007 to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

So, I told the first dentist to cancel the partial and I may even want my money back on the crown. The actual thing that had me the maddest was the week before I was in a lot of pain and they would not fit me in--this week it was awful--I forced myself in there Monday late afternoon after classes, (in Dover no less) and he just said it probably needed a root canal, gave me a referral (to someone in the Concord area, but he could not see me right away, no one could) penicillin and tylenol with codine (neither did a thing); I finally went to a different dentist near Concord who gave me medicine that stopped the inflammation (diflunisal 500 mg -- it's like a very strong Advil and works great!). This dentist gave me a referral for the root canal to someone he trusts (he does root canals but mine of course looks too hard--needs to be done under microscope). I will stay with this dentist, I am having my records transferred, already faxed over the request.

Well---------aren't you glad I don't write all the time?

I see the dentist for the root canal on Thursday, but I must say I'm much, much better. It was very hard teaching all week, my students kept telling me not to talk (there might be some ulterior motives there), but I'd wait for the pain to ease a bit and kept going. I did not want to get behind in the classes, our modules are only 5 weeks each. Anyway, I made it and they kept on schedule. I'm glad about that.

I just finished grading some exams. I can grade some exercises, but will wait till tomorrow. Probably be a slow day with the storm and all. Everyone drive carefully, stay home if you can.

Ginny, thanks for Lisa's blog address.

Take care and I hope everyone has a good week!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Weekend blogger

Hi Guys!

I will try to be a weekend blogger, with something written each week.

This morning I read some blogs, to try to catch up. I cannot log onto Lisa's, I must have the wrong address. I have to agree with Ginny, though it was a 4-day workweek, it did seem long.

I went in to work a few hours yesterday; nice and quiet and can get some things done.

Today I finally returned the last of my possible outfits for the wedding (which was lovely) and ran a few errands; twice I almost had to go home due to my mouth aching. I got a new crown between Christmas and New Years and now and then it starts aching really bad. It's interesting that my boss had a crown a couple of weeks ago (different dentist) and she is having the same problem. Hopefully it will settle down.

I did not stay up for New Years (my tooth was aching and was able to scoot out).

I did miss seeing everyone over Christmas. It was nice, though, to have Christmas Eve with my brother and sister. Last time was either 1969 or 1970 (not sure if I went up to Ma's for Christmas before I was married).

I look very much forward to seeing everyone at Jen and Joe's reception in February.

All for now. I should take out stock in Tylenol.

Have a good week!!!!!

Monday, January 1, 2007

previous first blog

My first blog, blogging from Maine. Ginny helped me set up this blog (actually, she did it :)I will try to write in my blog fairly often, so we'll see. Hope to!!I am happy to be here in Maine. I am spoiled here -- I had my favorite meal today, Ma and Ginny made chicken, potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce and gravy. We did have green beans too, but I consider that a "should or have to" part of the meal. Marylou was here too and brought over delicious bread; and for dessert, my favorite, Lemon Meringue Pie (I told you I was spoiled.)The trip up was good -- I was lucky; it started snowing and icing below Portland, and kept up all the way -- but we went slow and it was fine (I did see a number of fender benders, and was held up in Owls Head for quite a while as they cleared a f-b on Ingraham's Hill) but overall my trip was good. I was proud of myself too, since I do not like to drive in the snow at all, and I was not really nervous.So, all for now; it is about 7 pm and time to think about that bedtime snack and settling in (see, I'm not sure I will have anything very interesting to write) -- Tina and Ronnie say I have to stay up New Year's Eve, oh boy!Happy New Year and I wish you all a calm, healthy, and happy 2007!

New Blog

Happy New Year!

I had to start a new blog using my own email address. I will try to copy my first 12/31 entry on the first blog, but will test first!