Monday, January 22, 2007

quick blog today

Good Morning!

Just a quick note (my times on my blog are always incorrect, are yours?)

Thanks Billy and Lisa for sharing your dental stories. What a ripoff. Anyway, I have begun the root canal (thursday am); felt better yesterday and started tearing the apt apart, reorganizing, so that's a good sign. Also had to go into work yesterday, about 6.5 hours. But, I got a lot done, so that's good too.

I am up since 4am so will be very tired tonight.

Love you all and will actually try to begin to be a bit more of a blogger soon.



Anonymous said...

The time is crazy on mine too. Glad you're feeling better.

Billy Rhythm said...

I just set Susan up with a new blog (, and the default time for blogger is GMT. Go to your setting page, and adjust the default time zone.

Lisa said...

Anything new, Aunt Jo?